
Why Breathing?

To maintain the body and mind in optimal health, the systems of circulation, digestion, endocrine, lymphatic, immune activities, tissue regeneration, elimination, and detoxification are all important. Each of these systems are directly impacted by the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The ANS controls the unconscious “automatic” processes of the body, the ones we do not have to think about consciously to control, such as our heart rate, blood pressure, breathing rate, body temperature, digestion, sweating and pupil dilation. The ANS consists of two branches – the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) and the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS).

In general, stimulation of the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS) brings the body into a state of raised activity and alertness, known as the “fight, flight, freeze” response. The body’s systems are naturally designed to be in this state for short bursts only in order for us to meet a threat or challenge. Continual or chronic activation of the Sympathetic Nervous System (for example through chronic stress) is linked to the exacerbation of existing physical and mental health conditions, as well as inducing new health problems and diseases [1, 2]. In this lifted state where the SNS is activated, the body’s systems are not resting or repairing.

In contrast, the Parasympathetic Nervous System (PNS), known as “rest, digest, relate” returns the body’s functions towards homeostasis and is a counterbalance to the Sympathetic Nervous System (SNS). When the PNS is active the body’s systems are resting and repairing. Healing and health maintenance processes are turned on when the body is in the parasympathetic state, and as such, the more time we spend in the PNS state the healthier we are.

In order to recover from disease, ward off illness and optimise overall health and wellbeing we must cultivate parasympathetic dominance as our default state. So how do we achieve this? Many practices have shown positive outcomes in supporting the PNS state including Yoga Therapy, Mindfulness, Meditation and Breathing Practices. However out of all of these, it is the breath which is the most readily accessible for the majority of people. Furthermore, the breath is also the direct link into the Autonomic Nervous System.

Below is a Breathing Protocol which employs: Nasal Breathing, Diaphragmatic Breathing, and Slow Breathing combined with Elongation of the Exhale which, when combined, elicits parasympathetic dominance in the system and therefore provides the foundational conditions the body needs to be well.


Nasal Breathing

Diaphragmatic Breathing

Slow Breathing

The typical respiratory rate in humans is within the range of 10–20 breaths per min (0.16–0.33 Hz)[9]. Slow breathing is defined as any rate from 4 to 10 breaths per min (0.07–0.16 Hz) and is the optimal breathing rate for increased RSA/HRV [10, 11, 12].

Slow breath correlates with physiological markers of good health including:

Elongation of the Exhale

Heart rate increases during inspiration (inhale breath) (SNS dominance) and decreases during expiration (exhale breath) (PNS dominance) [34]. Therefore when we intentionally elongate the exhale we tip the nervous system toward parasympathetic dominance [35], stimulating vagal activity, the relaxation response, and the conditions to renew, repair, and heal. [36, 37].


1. Preparation

2. Awareness

3. Nostril Breathing

4. Diaphragmatic Breathing

5. Slow Breathing and Elongated Exhale

6. Length of Practice

Michelle Bradshaw (BDevStud, Dip YT (RYT500) (IAYT)) Yoga Therapist; Breathing Consultant; Trauma-Informed Somatic Therapist and Integrative Coach for Mental Health


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